Photography is the one branch of art, where I feel comfortable editing on Photoshop. I like that I can enhance the colours and make the picture seem more 'alive'. The image above, is of a path near my house. I had the thought in my head a few days prior to taking the photo, of shooting with the camera placed on the ground, rather than me holding it. I like the way that it changes the perspective, of what a person would normally see.

The image above shows how colours can be edited to make the image 'stand out'. Again, just a few minutes tinkering with colour balance and brightness levels, and it makes an impact. And as much as editing can clean a photo up, a good photographer can create a beautiful image without an expensive camera or software. This is something I am still working on, but with practice my skills will improve. Which is all everyone should wish to do, improve their own skills, to be better at what they want to do. Both these photographs were taken over the last few days, as I wanted to do something, that shows a bit of variety. :)
Hope you all have a good week, and I'll speak to you soon.

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