Monday, 1 August 2011

Sue Scribbles With Pencils

Out of all traditional art materials, I have always found pencils the easiest to use. Mostly because there has always been some lying around. It is very easy to pick up a pencil and sketch something on a piece of paper. And anyone can do it, you don't need to read through tutorials or how-to guides. Anyone can pick up a pencil and draw. I think that's why I like it so much, because pencils are very accessible, and cheap. And they can help create the most wonderful pieces.

This Lhasa Lapso dog is a sketch of something which was my first commission. A colleague from my work asked me to draw a Lhasa Lapso for her mother's birthday, as they were her favourite dog. I did paint the dog in watercolour, and they got a printed version of this sketch. I personally like that you can see the pencil lines, but that is maybe just down to taste.

This horse, is another pencil creation. She has been dubbed Tegan, after a horse I used to look after when I was younger. I always wanted a horse to myself, and I used to spend a lot of my free time drawing horses. Drawing horses is an art form all on it's own, and I believe it is because they are so beautiful and majestic.

I feel too many artists dismiss pencils as a child's way of making art, and that saddens me. Just because you used them as a child, doesn't mean that they are for children. Pencils are the one medium you can carry with you anywhere. They add texture and shade instantly. I used any form of coloured pencil, and even have a batch from the local 99p store. I don't believe that it is the tool that makes the artist, it is the technique used by the artist who creates art. You can buy the most expensive products you can, doesn't mean you can be a successful artist.

And with that, I bid you farewell. So see you next week. xo

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