Friday, 9 September 2011

It's been a long week

Well what can I say, it has been a long week for me as I am now starting uni again so not been ale to do something for this week. I was working on the idea of doing some drawings and character type stuff but haven't had a chance to do that. But I still manged to find some thing that was created a few weeks back that I haven't shown :) . This was created in Illustrator and as you can see it is just really the same monster repeated over again but this was a fun one that was done. Originally done to be a wacky desktop image it only lasted for a couple of days. My PC didn't agree with it having a trail following any thing that was opened when i moved it to someplace else was not fun. But this image is!


  1. If I wasn't so creeped out by all those eyes, i'd put it as my desktop, staring... always staring... I like the one that broke rank to the bottom left.

  2. They look like they are shouting at me for something. *hides* They are oddly cute.

  3. lol it was a fun one to do in illustrator and i think i was pushing my pc a far bit when i was making this. and at full res as a back ground was not a good idea lol.
