Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Q Fan Art

Q 's a character in Street Fighter III: Third Strike He's one of my favorites to draw, and play as. His background is a mystery, don't know if he's a good guy or a bad guy, all we know is that he is around whenever a major disaster happens. I'm not a fan, it feels like the idea guy took a half day...

Co-worker: "Hey guys? I, uh, think we need a boss."
Idea Guy: "What? another one? Just chuck something in we'll make it up later."
Co-worker: "Is that a good idea? I mean won't they notice?"
Idea Guy: "Nah, they love that stuff, just say he has something to do with disasters, they'll do the rest."

It's true Street Fighter players love to figure out what parts are cannon, and what characters back stories are, but do you know what they like more? when the continuity isn't screwed over whenever capcom feels like it. *cough* Charlie *cough*

1 comment:

  1. looks really cool mate nice to see the process you took to get the final image. not much of a street fighter player (get bet up too much)
