Friday 2 December 2011

Illustrator FUN!

Hey there back again thought I put some thing up that has been done on illustrator again.

The last few weeks I have been helping to build a new student intranet at the college I go to. and this is some thing that was built for an image slideshow.

so this was created following a tutorial and all that was used to do it was creating a line then useing the 3d option in illustrator to extrude it out into the back ground.

So this is the final look for it imported it into Photoshop add the text to it all. well if you can make it out the text is  from a rule pack for one of the games workshop tournaments. Hopefully no will notice that :) this was a fun and stress piece of work to create as I wasn't too sure on what to do for the back ground but i thought i keep it simple and have it a see through bg. 

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